Slasher Vol 3 - 10 Expertly Crafted Dark Samples Perfect For Your Beats

Killem Dafoe's Slasher Vol 3: The Ultimate Horror Experience

Killem Dafoe's Slasher Vol 3: The Ultimate Horr...

Are you a fan of horror movie soundtracks? If so you will love Slasher Vol 3 by Killem Dafoe. Slasher Volume 3 is based around Killem Dafoe's love of dark...

Killem Dafoe's Slasher Vol 3: The Ultimate Horr...

Are you a fan of horror movie soundtracks? If so you will love Slasher Vol 3 by Killem Dafoe. Slasher Volume 3 is based around Killem Dafoe's love of dark...